Saturday, June 12, 2021

Importance of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is important to most aspects of our lives. In a global setting, it provides basic human needs such as food, fuel, shelter, and medicine. It provides crucial services such as pollination, seed dispersal, climate regulation, water purification, nutrient cycling, and control of agricultural pests. It holds values in our sense of well being and connection with the environment.  As a nation, we must protect the biodiversity to ensure peace, economic stability and ecosystem balance.  Legislation and public education are keys to preserve biodiversity, as without them, mismanagement and often times greed, can lead to a region's extinction of particular, sought after species.

When a species is taken from a biodiversity pool, the food chain is interrupted.  The cascading effect can spread to other species and ultimately to us and to our quality of life.  Take for example, the decline of the bee population around the world.  The potential consequences are devastating for the ecosystem. Without bees, pollination would be interrupted, preventing floral growth, which results in reducing food and habitats for animals. 

To ensure the sustainability of San Luis Rey Watershed biodiversity, all conservation efforts should start at the local level, that means you and me.  So instead of killing the bees that have their hives in the wrong place, we can move them to a better and more appreciated area such as a farm or a ranch.

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